Move In and Other Ramblings


This past weekend was “Move In” weekend at Texas Tech. I moved in on August 17th with my parents, and grandmother. I met my “roomie” for the first time, and met other students that were living in my dorm. It is hard to tell now how things will pan out. I am very excited for the next few years, but I’m still is the stage of nervousness, and the unknown. I’m excited for classes to start, and to meet new people who are in some of my classes. I am most excited for my life span and human development course because it’s a class that has the most connections into the medical world. I am mostly excited for the coming up years in my life and what happens afterward. I am just ready to dive into Nursing and see what it is truly all about.

Yesterday, I took my car to get a pretty basic “tune up”… oil change, tire rotation, etc. and inspection. It took 2 hours for them to get me in and out. I hate waiting on stuff like that… luckily, my Grandma went with me, and across the street there were a few things we could do while we waited… we went to Bealls and Dollar Tree, I needed a few dishes, and you can find a pretty good deal at the dollar tree, so I got that taken care of. I’ve noticed here in Lubbock, the cross walks don’t have the handy little “Walk & Stop” signs that they do for pedestrians back at home… so dodging traffic to get to and fro from shopping was fun/scary. lol… After we left the mechanic, we were told my air filter needed cleaner. The guy told us to go to Autozone to get the cleaning set for my type of air filter. I went inside… and the guy at Auto-zone confirmed to me that I really didn’t need what the mechanic told me to get… so instead of spending $15, I decided to just wait. I went outside… tried to start my car… and just my luck, the car wouldn’t start. So just more frustration after waiting 2 hours at a mechanic and they pass my inspection and this happens… how ironic. But good ol “Gertie” (my car’s name) started back up after being jumped… hopefully we won’t have anymore problems.

Today, I installed Lync software that will allow me to partake in my online statistic course. It’s a pretty neat… but video calling for a course and learning material over video will be way different from what I am used to.

I feel like I have so much to do, but with no energy to fulfill any task. It hasn’t really been stressful the past few days as it has been very busy. Very little down time… but that will come with time, and after I get all settled in.

As far as today, I’m just taking it easy… I’m trying to find my keys… they’re somewhere around here, just don’t know where… lol. I have a few things I would like to do today, but just chilling is pretty nice too… anyway, I’ll keep the updates coming as more things happen…



New Beginnings


As a freshman entering college, and a “kid” leaving home for the first time, I am switching the gears of my blog. In the past, “OnlyChad” was an entertainment, just for fun blog that was an attempt to target and appeal to larger audiences. Now, I still want to make connections with others, but I will write to stay connected with family and friends who care about me. Thus, appealing to a smaller audience and the content on this blog will be less general. No more random posts about silly things, reviews, or stuff like that. I will use this blog as a social networking site to publish daily, weekly, or monthly happenings in my life while I attend university to keep those I will not see as often, “in the loop”.

It will be different writing about myself and what’s going on in my life. But, with a big change, now is a better time than ever to create something new here on WordPress. Here’s to “New Beginnings”…
